Troy (2004 film)
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Troy (2004 film)
Based on ancient Greek mythology, Wolfgang Peterson's peplum has revived the interest of filmmakers in this genre, which had long been considered forgotten. 14th century BC. The Trojan prince Paris has meanly kidnapped the beautiful Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. His brother, the ruler of Mycenae, Agamemnon, stands up for the honor of the insulted sovereign, seeing in this an excellent opportunity for his own strengthening. The Greeks are marching on Troy. The demigod Achilles, eager to go down in history, goes with them. However, they do not know that instead of an easy victory, 10 years of bloody slaughter await them, which will bring both sides not only glory, but also a lot of grief. Year of release: 2004 Genre: action, history, drama, melodrama Duration: 163 min. Director: Wolfgang Petersen Starring: Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Brian Cox, Diane Kruger, Brendan Gleeson, Sean Bean, Julie Christie, Peter O'Toole, Rose Byrne Country: USA, Malta, UK Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures, Plan B Entertainment, Nimar Studios, Radiant Productions, Helena Productions, Latina Pictures Here you can watch the movie Troy in Russian simultaneous translation in good quality (4k, 2k, Full HD, 1080p) absolutely free.
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